1,5° Compatible Living in the Nordic Conditions

Summer of 2021 I joined a research project, funded by Rannís, and conducted by Icelandic, Finnish, and Polish researchers (from the University of Iceland and Aalto University), which seeks to figure out a connection between lifestyles that could keep global warming within 1,5°C, opinions on global warming, and climate literacy. See my role in this project in my résumé, read more about the project here on the lead researcher’s website, and/or take the survey we made to figure out your carbon footprint and contribute to our research!

A sample result for your footprint. You will also get suggestions on how to reduce it, based on where you live!

A sample result for your footprint. You will also get suggestions on how to reduce it, based on where you live!


Does your pro-climate attitude actually lead to good things?